Yearning for 7-Eleven Japan

To most Americans, when we hear the name 7-Eleven, we immediately think of an unclean convenient store with not so good food, rowdy teenagers, and let's be honest, some sketchy people. So if there's a 7-Eleven in other countries, it must be the same right?

Eh, not quite. You see, Japanese cities and stores are usually, very clean. And this extends to their convenience stores. And yes, there are 7-Elevens in Japan.


7-Elevens in Japan are filled with all sorts of goodies! They have food that's usually packaged that morning stocked on their shelves. The food ranges from simple rice balls to chicken udon, to almost three-course meals! They have ramen, soba, somen, udon, and every other kind of Japanese noodle out there. Fresh pastries are also available and the variety is incredible (although I don't remember there being any Melon bread... I'll write about that another day). When I was in Kyoto, my hotel was a block away from 7-Eleven, so you better believe it when I say I went there to get breakfast and dinner every day. And maybe three or four hundred rice balls to snack on in between. Every time I saw a 7-Eleven in Japan, I had to make a stop. I was in love.

When I came back home, I had to do a little bit of some readjusting, especially when it came to 7-Elevens. Sounds weird, I know, but that was the hardest thing to readjust to. I would get so excited when I was out and saw a 7-Eleven. I would want to stop in until I remembered that I was in America. They didn't have rice balls. They didn't have ramen or soba or somen or udon. I would get sad and instantly wanted to go back to Japan.

7-Elevens in America have gotten better in terms of food. I've actually gotten some very delicious sandwiches there. But the magic that was Japanese 7-Elevens is something I still miss. So I propose we bring Japanese 7-Elevens and all their incredible tasty foods and drinks here. After all, who doesn't like rice balls?

I think I may need another plane ticket. I'm hungry.


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